Client Listening Partner

If you’re ready to take your client listening to another level you can work with me as your Client Listening Partner.

I work with a limited number of larger clients in this way, applying my specialist knowledge to their specific challenges and working very much as part of the team, without their having to commit to the overheads of making a permanent Head of Client Service appointment.

Having me as your Client Listening Partner means you benefit from a package of activities that we build together to suit your exact needs. These may include:

– A client service audit. I review your current communications around client service, survey a sample of your clients to gain initial insights and recommend a client service programme to develop and highlight areas of strength and address shortfalls

– An ongoing client listening programme (I conduct client listening interviews for existing clients, welcome interviews for new clients, no-win interviews and gather post-event feedback)

– Development of a set of client experience values. These set you apart from the competition and are meaningful to everyone across your business

– Defining, refining and optimising client journeys

– A bespoke training programme for current and new staff so they can understand your service standards and how they should contribute to your client service agenda

– A comprehensive strategy for communicating your client service initiatives and client stories internally and externally

– A marketing strategy underpinned by client, prospect and referral research which is also a useful benchmark against which to measure future progress.


“We have established a brilliant client listening programme with Anna’s help which is being so well received internally. She was also a hit with our clients when she did some qualitative research for us.  I feel really fortunate to have been introduced to Anna and have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone looking for a client listening strategist and partner”

Emma Dark, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Sullivan & Stanley